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High amount of oxygen in body can help body to lose weight faster

Breathing is one of the key components of fat burning. The more oxygen in the body the more fat that can be burned. What is the process?

Just so you know, long chain fatty consisting of oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. These fats can help synthesize hormones, keeps skin healthy, protecting organs, maintaining body temperature and improve the function of healthy cells. But if the amount of excess, the fat can cause health risks specific to a person.

Fat derived from food will be split by the digestive system into the structure of small pieces so they can enter the cell.

The structure of the fat will go through a chemical process, this process can work well if you have enough osigen levels. If the oxygen content is less, then the process will stop burning fat.

Can breathing exercises help to reduce the amount of excess fat in the body?

Excerpted from the LIVESTRONG, Wednesday (8/25/2010) if a person has shortness of breath or shallow, the level of oxygen needed to digest fat will not be achieved thereby limiting the ability of the body to burn fat.

The process of burning excess fat in the body is not something essential to survival, therefore the body will first distribute the available oxygen to the cardiovascular system or nervous system.

But if someone did the breathing exercises can improve the capacity of transporting oxygen into the blood. The existence of this excess oxygen can enhance the metabolic processes, because this excess oxygen level will enhance the ability of cells to use fat as energy.

Breathing exercises using the diaphragm would allow a person to inhale longer than the breath through the chest, so that more oxygen into the system. Abdominal breaths also helps overcome the accumulated tension in the body.

By doing regular breathing exercises, then one can train the body to increase the amount of oxygen into the blood. If the oxygen in the blood increases it can increase metabolism, reduce body tension, improve blood flow and burn more fat.

Men are assumed to have a Protection Factor of Obesity

Only a few men who have a diet to lose weight than women. assumed to have a protective factor that can make them avoid obesity.

Men usually just have a tendency to increase body weight after marriage. Quoted from Health24, Monday (23/08/2010) most of the men had a number of advantages compared to females in terms of basic physiological and weight.

Protective factors that become men of obesity and excessive weight gain, namely:

1. It has a basal metabolic rate is higher than the female.
Basal metabolic here including the amount of energy needed to maintain body functions at rest, the energy for physiological processes like breathing and digestion.

Basal metabolic rate of men is higher than 5-10 percent of women who have weight and height the same. This also causes differences in body size and body composition between men and women.

2. Having a body fat percentage is lower than the female.
On average, men have greater muscle tissue and body fat which is 50 percent less than women. It is estimated that men had a body fat by 14 percent, while the women by 24 percent.

Drink water is the best way to lose weight quickly

Diet with only drinking water is believed to be the best way to lose weight quickly while removing toxins from the body. How do I diet with water?

People who are on a diet with only drinking water should avoid all solid foods and drink plenty of water when this diet.

Without solid food the body can still survive. Because the body has sufficient reserves to survive for several days without food.

Nutritionists generally recommend a diet with drinking water for 10 days for those with good physical condition. This process can also help improve the process detokfisikasi.

Reporting from buzzle, Tuesday (19/10/2010), people who undergo a diet of water, are expected to drink 7-10 glasses of distilled water or purified drinking water each day. With this diet, weight average of about 1-2 pounds per day.

Besides drinking water, people who are on a diet of white water can still eat food that is a liquid, such as clear soup, fruit juices without pulp, vegetable broth, tea or coffee without sugar and cream or fruits that contain lots of water.

How Potatoes Can Make a Slim body?

To lose weight, many people use potatoes as a source of dietary carbohydrate. How does the potato can make a slim body?

Potatoes are a source of antioxidants that provide many health benefits. Potatoes are complex carbohydrates that can make people satisfied without the danger of diabetes. Eating potatoes could also make a slim body.

According to a study just released by the University of California and the National Center for Food Safety and Technology, Illinois Institute of Technology, showed that people who regularly eat potatoes to lose weight.

High Calcium Milk Can Help Lose Weight

Milk is often used as a taboo for people who are overweight (overweight). But fat-free milk and high in calcium and vitamin D can actually help you lose weight.

A recent study shows that nutritional calcium and vitamin D in cow's milk formula is very important to be able to help you lose weight.

In 2 years of the study, found that milk drinkers have more health benefits than those who rarely drank milk. In this study, more than 300 people aged between 40-65 years are overweight participate.

Reporting from Indiavision, Friday (09/17/2010), researchers from Washington found that adults who drink milk high in calcium and vitamin D as much as 2 times per day for 6 months, will experience greater weight loss which averaged about 12 pounds or 5.5 kilograms.

Burn Calories faster and stay fit by dancing

If you do not like going to the gym to do aerobics, cardio exercises or other exercises, try to dance. With dancing, people can burn 500 calories.

Besides moving, dancing can also be pumped endorphins to the brain, the hormone that makes people feel happy.
Dancing is fun and enjoyable way to make the body healthy.

Reporting from GeniusBeuty, Thursday (09/02/2010), following some kind of dance that can make the body stay fit and healthy:

1. Hip hop
Hip hop is a fun and free dance, enabling people to do improvisation and chance to become anything. Hip hop makes people dance while exercising in the same wakti. Hip hop including aerobic exercise and cardio to burn more calories, improve the system and also develop muscle.

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